Rules & Guidelines
General Rules
- No Griefing: Do not destroy or alter other players' structures without permission.
- Respect Other Players: No harassment, bullying, or discriminatory behavior.
- No Cheating or Hacking: Use of mods or hacks that give unfair advantages is prohibited.
- No Spamming: Keep the chat clear of spammy messages.
- No Stealing: Respect other players' property and belongings.
Building and Territory
- Respect Build Boundaries: Don't build too close to another player's area without permission.
- Clean Up After Yourself: Remove temporary structures or mining tunnels to keep the environment clean.
- Mark Your Territory: Clearly mark your land to avoid conflicts.
- PvP Consent: Engage in player versus player combat only if both parties agree.
- Resource Sharing: Be fair and considerate when using shared resources or community chests.
- No Exploits: Report bugs or exploits instead of using them for personal gain.
Community Guidelines
- Language: Use appropriate language. No swearing or offensive remarks.
- Events: Participate in server events and respect the event organizers' rules.
- Help New Players: Assist new members in learning the ropes and integrating into the community.
- Warnings: Minor infractions may result in warnings.
- Temporary Ban: Repeated or severe rule violations can lead to a temporary ban.
- Permanent Ban: Continued disruptive behavior will result in a permanent ban from the server.